APS Local Literacy Plan
Goals for Reading Proficiency
Austin Public Schools' mission, or core purpose, is to Inspire. Empower. Accelerate. Through this work, Austin Public School’s vision is to create systems that are continually Preparing all learners to make a difference in the world.
In order to advance its mission and vision, Austin Public Schools is dedicated to the following core values which are the drivers of our words and actions. Austin Packers will be:
- Responsible: Demonstrates accountability to self and others
- Resilient: Develops perseverance and self-control
- Learner: Challenges self to think critically
- Communicator: Listens actively and shares learning and experiences
- Contributor: Engages as a productive member of the community and global society
To accomplish this, Austin Public Schools has created Strategic Directions to drive our continuous improvement.
- Support and resources to ensure a safe and welcoming learning environments
- Packer Profile for all students
- District-wide multi-tiered systems of supports for all learners
- Excellence in resources management
As a part of our Packer Profile for all students, it is our goal to have all students reading well by third grade to help ensure readiness for a successful future. This goal is aligned with the mission, vision and values of the Austin Public Schools.
District Resources
Click on the APS Local Literacy Plan to learn more about our goals for reading proficiency, assessment process, student data, parent involvement, early intervention, professional development, and scoring rubrics.
Minnesota Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act, known as the READ Act, was passed and signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on May 24, 2023. The goal of this legislation is to have every Minnesota child reading at or above grade level every year, beginning in kindergarten, and to support multilingual learner and students receiving special education services in achieving their individualized reading goals. The READ Act replaces Read Well by Third Grade (RWBTG) in Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 120B.12, effective July 1, 2023.
For more information on the READ Act and Local Literacy Plan please visit https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/READ/
Literacy Incentive Aid
The proficiency aid for each school is equal to the product of the school's proficiency allowance times the number of third grade pupils at the school on October 1 of the previous fiscal year. A school's proficiency allowance is equal to the percentage of students in each building that meet exceed proficiency on the third grade reading Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment, averaged across the previous three test administrations, times $530. Growth aid will be calculated using only fourth grade pupil counts at the same rate.
MDE Contacts
Bobbie Burnham, Program Manager: bobbie.burnham@state.mn.us
Tom Melcher, School Finance Director: tom.melcher@state.mn.us
Kari Ross, Reading Specialist: kari.d.ross@state.mn.us