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Austin Public Schools

401 3rd Ave NW
Austin, MN  55912

District Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30AM - 4:30PM

English Learning Program

EL Coordinator
Sheila Berger

Welcome to the Austin Public Schools English Learning (EL) Program web page. Austin Public School District is committed to providing every child an excellent education. Students who enroll in the district without speaking English fluently are offered support services to learn English. Highly qualified teachers of English for speakers of other languages (TESOL) work directly with students to help them gain academic and social proficiency in English.

Mission Statement

To empower English learners by helping them to build academic, cultural, and social competence in the English language.


The Austin Public School District provides a welcoming, rigorous academic environment in which English learners are able to reach their potential and prepare for successful, productive lives.

Program Description

The EL program is designed to meet a wide variety of language learning needs. Students are assessed on a language scale of 1-6. A level one student is a beginning student with little or no English. A level six student speaks English like a native English speaker and is able to use English for academic tasks just like other students in the same grade. Students who are level 1-5 are considered English Learners (ELs).

The table below provides a brief description of these levels of language development.

Level Proficiency
1 Entering (Beginner or Newcomer)
2 Emerging (Early Intermediate)
3 Developing (Intermediate)
4 Expanding (Transitional)
5 Bridging (Advanced)

EL Documents

English Language Identification and Reclassification Criteria
English Language Intake Procedures for Enrolling in Austin Public Schools
English Language Service Model
English Learner Reclassification Procedure
English Language Services Overview

EL Links

Stanford ELL Resource Site
Colorin Colorado: EL Support for Parents and Educators
Center for Applied Linguistics: EL Research
WIDA: EL Standards
SIOP Model Lesson Plans