Equity and Integration
Equity Coordinator
Kristi Beckman
Interpreter List Success Coaches
The Alliance for Educational Equity is an integration collaborative with five active partner districts: Albert Lea, Austin, Hayfield, Lyle and Southland. The goals of the collaborative are based on state legislature intended to improve academic achievement for all students while closing the racially and socioeconomically diverse students while promoting integrated school and community environments. The goals of the Alliance for Educational Equity are as follows:
- The reading proficiency of all students will increase so that the gap between White and Non-White students is reduced from 29.9% to 14.9%. The gap between FRP and Non-FRP student reading proficiency will be reduced from 30% to 15.1%.
- In order to increase racial and economic integration between districts in the Alliance for Educational Equity Collaborative, the collaborative will create opportunities for sustained interactions between inter-district students that promote intercultural understanding and academic achievement. Underserved students, especially those who qualify for free or reduced lunch or are first generation college students will be especially encouraged to attend.
To achieve this goal, each district will work with the collaborative to identify students to participate in ongoing, integrated activities. Students will be recruited in order to represent the collaborative as follows:
- 50% Austin students
- 30% Albert Lea students
- 7% Southland students
- 7% Hayfield Students
- 6% Lyle students
For more details about the integration program, please contact Kristi Beckman or see the attached plan.
Achievement and Integration Plan
Achievement and Integration Practice Progress Report
Integration Links
Integration Resources: A library of helpful integration links.
AVID: A college readiness system putting students with high potential and barriers to success on the road to higher education.
AVID Presentation for Parents: The presentation on AVID given to parents at Ellis.
Project E³: Environmental Sciences and Engineering through enrichment and extended integrated interactions.
Teaching Tolerance: Resources for use both in the classroom and for professional development
Rethinking Schools: Articles about equity written by and for students, parents and teachers
Teaching for Change: "Provides teachers and parents with the tools to transform schools into centers of justice where students learn to read, write and change the world."
Zinn Ed Project: Teaching materials from multiple perspectives by theme and by time period.
What Kids Can Do: Dedicated to granting youth a voice and empowering students as agents of social change
Somos Primos: A site dedicated to Hispanic heritage, literature, stories, history and diversity
Multicultural Resource Center: St. Paul Public Schools site with links to culture-specific, culture-general, and topic-specific sites
100 People: A World Portrait: Showcases individuals and schools and the differences they have made in ten pressing social issues
Cultural Equity Research Center: Sounds, photos and videos from around the world